Things You Must Remember When Using Topical Compounds

Taking a pain medication is sometimes not enough to alleviate chronic pain. You may need to apply a topical compound in order to achieve the maximum pain relief. These products numb the nerve endings under the skin. To get the greatest benefit from the compound and to not irritate the chronic pain symptoms even further, there are several things you should do.

Follow the Directions

Always read the directions carefully before applying the compound. Keep the insert and refer to it later. Make sure that the type of pain you are suffering from is the type that is commonly treated using the topical pain relief cream. For example, there are creams that are often used to treat arthritic pain. 

Do Not Apply on a Wound

Do not apply the compound to damaged skin or an open wound. You may irritate the wound and the cream may also cause an infection. The cream will also absorb into the bloodstream more quickly, which may not be what was intended.

Don't Use With Bandages or a Heating Pad

Avoid using the cream in combination with a heating pad. There is a risk that this can cause burns. Do not wrap a tight bandage around the area where the topical cream was applied. If the area needs to be bandaged and you are experiencing pain, it is recommended that you use a different method of treating the chronic pain.

Wash Your Hands After Application

Always wash your hands after applying the topical cream. Eating immediately after applying the topical cream could cause digestive issues. Do not touch your eyes because you may cause burns or injuries as a result of the cream. 

Consult With Your Doctor and Pharmacy

Always check with your doctor before using a topical cream and make sure that the cream will not cause an allergic reaction. There may be a different cream that you can use that will not cause an allergic reaction. Also, do not use a topical pain reliever if you are pregnant.

If a topical version of the cream is not readily available, ask the pharmacy if it is an option. A compounding pharmacy is often able to create a pain cream for the specific chronic pain treatment that you will need.

While topicals should only be applied under certain circumstances, this is an approach that you should consider. These options will usually not have the gastrointestinal effects or the cardiovascular risks that are associated with pain medications that are ingested.
